WPA National Park Posters

Doug Leen and Brian Maebius. Hawaii detail, 2007.

Text Harmen Liemburg. The sixth in a series of short articles on art and design objects written for Maharam.

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December 24th, 2013
, Posted in Stories

CIPB 2013


Jury Award Fons Hickmann & Wang Min (president of jury) for Color Space at China International Poster Biennial (CIPB) 2013.

November 30th, 2013
, Posted in Group Shows, Posters

To California 5 Poster

Title To California 5
Year 2013
Technique Screenprinting
Size  A0 = W 841 x H 1189 cm
Colours 3
Imprint 20 signed & numbered prints

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October 27th, 2013
, Posted in Posters

Interweaving Billboard

Image courtesy Mariko Okazaki.

For her graduation project at the graphic design department, Mariko Okazaki connected the principles of weaving techniques to the possibilities of screenprinting.

Printed at Gerrit Rietveld Academie shop for screenprinting on paper.

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October 22nd, 2013
, Posted in Rietveld

Royal Award Catalogue


Title Royal Award for Modern Painting 2013 Catalogue
Year 2013
Size 19 x 24,5 cm; 48 pp
Technique offset
Printer robstolk, Amsterdam
Edition 600
Client Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam

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September 30th, 2013
, Posted in Other projects

Typ to TtYtP at Moti Hotel

Moti Hotel
Exhibition September 28, 2013 – June 1, 2014

Showing a selection of legendary TYP magazine issues at Moti Hotel, a groupshow where various designers present objects from Moti’s collection.

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September 22nd, 2013
, Posted in Posters, Group Shows

Kieler Woche 2014 – Proposal

Proposal for A1 poster 1/2.

Project Kieler Woche 2014 Corporate Identity Design Contest
Client Landeshauptstadt Kiel

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September 4th, 2013
, Posted in Other projects

To California 5 – 2/2 – Installation

Title To California 5
Year 2013
Project Print-Installation inside private home
Client Tip Kuipers
Size Printing plates A0, finished plates A2
Imprint 200+ unique A2 (594 x 841 mm) prints
Material Screenprint on 2,5 mm cardboard

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August 31st, 2013
, Posted in Printing, In Interiors

To California 5 – 1/2 – Sources & Process

Title To California 5
Project Print-Installation inside private home
Client Tip Kuipers
Size 200+ unique A2 (594 x 841 mm) prints
Material Screenprint on 2,5 mm cardboard

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August 30th, 2013
, Posted in Printing, In Interiors

What the Art?! Video

What the Art? A series of short TV portraits of Dutch designers and artists.

Aflevering 2 – Harmen Liemburg (grafische vormgeving)
Watch What the Art?! video (Dutch spoken, English subtitles)

Made by Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam Blikopeners (young people age 15 -19 participating in museum activities), with Avro Kunstuur.

August 29th, 2013
, Posted in Techniques, Interviews