Color Space

Color Space, Imagemaking/Screenprinting Projectweek with 15 students Visual Communication, Illustration II. Haute École d’Art et de Design, Genève (HEAD), April 17-21, 2023.

Participating students: Alex Abate Stepanova, Sophie Anderegg, Hyen Jee Cho, Erik Backdahl, Néféli Bodmer, Morven Broeksmit, Olivier Conrad, Juliette Cuenoud, Maïlys Deck, Fabien Duvoisin, David Humberset, Lena Kindler, Stanyslas Leray, Louis Monnarde, Ines Orispää, Rahel Rippel, Sofia Rodriguez Soares.

Organisation; Julian Taelli, Raphaël Widmer, Sabine de Mattheis. Practical Support Atelier Sérigraphi: Timotei Keller. Initiated by Dimitri Broquard (head of Visual Communication dept.).

April 25th, 2023
, Posted in Workshops