
Title Alchemy
Year 2003
Size 70 x 100 cm
Technique 3 colour screenprint on the wrong (etching) paper
Imprint 25
Print at Grafisch Atelier Daglicht, Eindhoven

Special Souvenir Print.
Nameless Swirls, An Unfolding In Presence. A collaboration of Jennifer Tee with Erwan Maheo, Roy Cerpac & Harmen Liemburg. Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, September 12 – November 23, 2003.

A collage of exiting elements from Jennifer’s previous work (that I had processed earlier for the TTT-artist publication), enriched with new ones. The print was published by Peninsula in Eindhoven.

See also Love’s Lucious Slumber

September 13th, 2003
, Posted in Printing, Group Shows